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  • 艺科建创意中心关于2018国际创意生活大会论文刊发情况的通报

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    2018年9月22--23日,由吉林建筑大学艺科建创意中心主办的国际会议(The 2018 International Conference on Creative Lifestyle Computing)在大连理工大学国际会议中心成功召开。有来自国内外高校的40余名学者参会,艺科建中心中方主任崔征教授和英方主任杨宏戟教授也出席了大会。大会以创意生活计算为主题,分四个论坛:艺术科学与建筑、创意与计算、新兴与时尚、商业与智慧。与会者积极踊跃提交论文,并在会上对所提交的论文进行了宣读和讲解。该次会议为我校首界跨学科跨领域的国际会议。会议收到各高校学者提交的论文百余篇,其中我校青年教师入选的高水平论文25篇,分三个阶段发表在EI收录的国外期刊。



    作  者

    An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Creative Data Manipulation for Optimisation of Livelihood Oriented Urban Planning and Management

    Jiafeng Zhou, Tian Liu and Lin Zou

    Research on the Automobile Intelligent Dashboard Design Based on Human Computer Interaction

    Mingyang Sun and Haiyang Yu

    Research on Integration and Development of Creative Tourism and Industrial Heritage Protection in Changchun

    Wei Mo, Meng Zhang and Jianqiao Zhang

    Virtual or Real: Discussion on Application of Semi-virtual Exhibition Space

    Yi Wang

    Optimization Design of Building Integrated Photovoltaic System with LOLP Algorithm

    Chunlei Zhao, Liang Guo, Xu Zhang and Yaodan Chi

    Risk Assessment of Strategic Cost Management Based on Grey Model for Prefabricated Buildings

    Xiaoxin Ding, Kai Liu and Shujun Shi

    Spatial Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Beam Bridges

    Chunling Zhong, Dong Liang, Yunlong Zhang, Jing Wang and Yangyang Guo

    Transverse Distribution Coefficient of Slab Beams Strengthened by External Prestress and Carbon Fiber Sheet

    Jing Wang, Yunlong  Zhang, Jie Li and Chunling Zhong





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